ClairCity final newsletter February 2021 | Page 6

“ Engagement activities targetted at schools and young people were among the most successful of the project . 25 % of all participants were aged 16-24 ”.

Inspiring young people

Delve into the games and activites we developed and hear why it is important to involve young people as participants in air quality and climate change projects
Engagement activities targetted at schools and young people were among the most successful of the project . 25 % of all participants were aged 16-24 .
The communications team produced a whole range of resources as a result of these engagements . There is an Educator Pack , with a dozen schools lessons , including traffic monitoring , design an air pollution mask and ‘ clean air top trumps ’ that all link to curriculum objectives and encourage students to think critically about clean air decision making . Several of these lesson plans have been featured in the British Science Association ’ s Activity Packs ( p19 KS2 2019 , p23 KS3 2020 ) for British Science Week . Available on our website , Curiosity Connections , and Transform Our World , a Six-week STEAM pack exists for afterschool clubs should educators wish to go indepth into the topics covered in ClairCity .
The printable Bristol City Skylines boardgame
Decision making is a recurring theme in our mobile game ClairCity skylines and our analogue boad game . In both , you must choose between policies , meaning the players must weigh up the benefits and costs associated with different ideas . The board game , currently only available for Bristol , also includes question cards , allowing players to learn facts about air pollution , which we hope will allow them to make better informed choices in the future .
It is key that the future generation are engaged in decision making about the air quality , carbon management and public health nexus , explains Eva Csosbod . “ We demonstrated through our ClairCity schools competition [ for 12-16 year olds ] that by building on the action competency approach in environmental education we can empower school children towards shaping cleaner and healthier environments ”.
The competition was supported by an online decisionmaking tool that could be of benefit to homeschoolers and lockdown learning . “ The use of the online software is a promising innovative tool for schools ,” explains Eva . “ However , it requires further development for teachers and more guidance for the school teams to reach its full potential ”.
All of ClairCity ’ s schools resources are now available via Zenodo , our Educators page , and on Sustainable Learning , a UK platform connecting teachers with free learning resources about environmental sustainability .
Six-week STEM Club featured on Curiosity Connections website

“ Engagement activities targetted at schools and young people were among the most successful of the project . 25 % of all participants were aged 16-24 ”.