The
idea
of
the
assignment
was
to
make
a
short
movie
of
a
few
minutes
in
which
a
certain
idea
or
opinion
is
represented.
By
making
use
of
different
techniques,
a
short
movie
of
just
a
few
minutes
could
convey
a
certain
message.
The
message
of
our
movie
is
that
social
control
and
social
pressure
keep
our
world
from
collapsing.
Without
any
pressure
to
behave
in
a
certain
way,
or
without
any
unwritten
rules
or
opinions,
people
could
not
behave
and
work
properly
anymore.
The
way
we
wanted
to
convey
this
message
was
by
focussing
on
the
‘end
of
the
world
idea’.
As
a
basis,
we
took
the
movie
‘2012’,
which
was
shown
in
many
different
cinemas.
It
is
about
the
apocalypse
on
the
21st
of
December
2012,
the
day
on
which
the
calendar
of
the
Mayans
stopped.
In
our
movie,
on
the
21st
of
December,
our
world
collapsed
in
a
very
different
way.
We
went
from
a
happy
society
(the
scene
where
the
three
of
us
walk
happily
together),
to
the
21st
of
December.
Between
the
moments
of
chaos
(Zoë
digging
in
the
ground,
Floor
running
around
in
circles,
Femke
hiding
in
the
garden
house),
the
viewer
sees
lines
like
‘We
need
opinions’
or
‘We
need
rules’.
By
this,
we
want
to
make
clear
that
without
social
pressure,
everyone
will
act
like
savages
and
the
world
would
be
one
big
anarchy.