CKV Artfolio Rolf van der Hulst 1 | Page 4

CA 1: ‘Leningrad’ performed by HGO ‘Leningrad’ is a classical concert performed by Het Gelders Orkest. It took place in Orpheus, Apeldoorn’s Theater, on 17 November. I went there because I have to visit a classical concert for CKV this year, and Orpheus made it possible for 5 euro’s instead of 20, which is quite an improvement. I was not so interested in it, mainly because I don’t have much experience with the music style. Leningrad is a classical concert with symphonies of Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. There is no real story told. Tchaikovsky wrote the ‘Rococo Variations’ that were played and Shostakovich wrote ‘Leningrad’. I would say there is a theme, because though the ‘Rococo Variations’ are not about war, ‘Leningrad’, which was the biggest part of the performance, is about war. So war is the theme here. Also, both composers have a difficult relationship with the state. In the Rococo Variations there were almost only strings (cello’s, violins, etc.) used, but when ‘Leningrad’ started a lot of horns, percussion and a tuba joined. Tchaikovsky is a famous composer, mainly for his works The Nutcracker and The Swan lake. He lived in the 19th century, in Russia, and many people in his country didn’t like him since his music was ‘too western’. He is regarded to be influenced by Robert Schumann, though there are many debates about who actually influenced him. Shostakovich is also a Russian Composer, but he lived from 1906 to 1962. He had a difficult relationship with government. He was influenced by composers like Prokofiev and Stravinsky. His music usually is characterized by sharp contrasts. My Opinion Well, before I went there, I of course already had an opinion. I like a lot of different music styles. Where most young people hate classical music before they even listened to it, I decided to try some parts of it. I think that classical music can be fun to listen to in general, if it is a bit exciting at least. When I watched I enjoyed the music, but up until a point. The first hour of the performance the music had some kind of exciting part in it, with quick notes. But after that, it became really quiet and not much happened. This made me lose my attention and I never really was able to focus on the music again. Therefore I would say it was boring and enjoying to me.