CJS 200 Assignments CJS 200 Assignments | Page 6

Sex offender registries have been a subject of debate since their inception . The rights of the offender must be balanced against public safety . What is your position on Sexual Offender registration ?
Give me your thoughts on 3 strikes sentencing -They are statutes enacted by law to mandate courts to impose harsher sentences on habitual offender who are previously convicted of two prior serious criminal offenses and then commit a third . They are designed to counter criminal recidivism by habitual offenders through incapacitationimprisonment .
We are only as safe as we feel . Do you feel safe in your community ?

CJS 200 Week 3 DQs

http :// www . assignmentpath . com / product / cjs-200-week-3-dqs
DQ 1
What are your feelings on using unmarked police cars ? Even though they are in the communities are they " out of sight out of mind "? What are the advantages and disadvantages from a crime and community perspective on the use of unmarked patrol cars and officers dressed in plain clothes
DQ 2
Cities like London use cameras to monitor the streets for criminal activity . Do you think that cameras have a role in keeping our streets safe ? Can police take a page from the security world to use technology to supplement uniformed patrols ?