DQ 1
Lets take a quick poll - give me your thoughts on the death penalty - please support your position .
DQ 2
Although most cases are resolved via the use of a plea bargain , do you feel that mandatory guidelines sentencing guidelines should be enacted nationwide to really make the time fit the crime no matter where it occurs . Kill a person in New Jersey get life - kill a person in Texas get death . - Is that fair ?
DQ 3
Recidivism is one of the most fundamental concepts in criminal justice . It refers to a person ' s relapse into criminal behavior , often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime . Recidivism is measured by criminal acts that resulted in rearrest , reconviction or return to prison with or without a new sentence during a three-year period following the prisoner ' s release . In a National Institute of Justice Study the following was reported :
· Within three years of release , about two-thirds of released prisoners were rearrested .
· Within five years of release , about three-quarters of released prisoners were rearrested .
· Of those prisoners who were rearrested , more than half were arrested by the end of the first year .
DQ 4
What are your thoughts - should we be appalled at the numbers who recidivate or applauded for the number who remain out of the system . Support your position .
s a traditional prison or jail setting the appropriate place to house individuals convicted of drug offenses ? Please support your position . I have provided a few links which you may find interesting .
http : www . thefix . comcontentjail-right-place-drug-offenders http : www . recoveryfirst . orgprison-time-vs-rehab-for-drug-offenders . html http : www . drugwarfacts . orgcmsPrisons _ and _ Drugs # sthash . 8CSEnTAd . dpbs