CJA 474 TUTORS Logical Brains / cja474tutors.com CJA 474 TUTORS Logical Brains / cja474tutors.com | Page 14

WEEK 5 : PERSONNEL SUPERVISION and EVALUATION Define two ( 2 ) models of employee supervision .
What model of supervision is used in the majority of law enforcement and corrections agencies , and why ?
Finally , describe progressive discipline and what role the supervisor plays in any disciplinary action on their direct report employees .
CJA 474 Week 5 Team Assignment Ima Goodenough Employee Evaluation Paper
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Read the " Intruding Ima and Falsified Report " case study in Chapter 4 of Justice Administration . Assume the role of the police chief or sheriff for purposes of this paper .
Research and Write a 700-1050-word paper on how to design the optimum employee evaluation , inlcuding 1 ) why evaluations are important and necessary , 2 ) mandatory content and what elements must be considered and measured , and 3 ) what items cannot be evaluated and why .
Creat an employee performance evaluation form . Use information leared in Ch . 7 of Managing Criminal JusticeOrganizations for important elementsto be included in evaluations ,