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CJA 474 Week 5 Team Assignment Ima Goodenough
Evaluation Presentation (2 PPT)
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Review the Intruding Ima and the Falsified Report case study in Ch. 4 of Justice Administration.
Assume the role of the police chief or sheriff.
Discuss questions following the case study.
Create an employee performance evaluation form. Refer to Ch 7 of Managing Criminal
Justice Organizations for important elements that you might want to include.
Use this form to Evaluate ImaGoodenough from different perspectives: for example, as an
HR manger, coworker, direct supervisor or other work place individuals.
Prepare a 10- to 15 slide PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following:
o A summary of the case study
o Whether ImaGoodenough is a problem employee or this is a problem situation
o Legal issues that may be involved
o Remedial or disciplinary action that should be taken
o Justification for the action(s) taken
Format the presentation consistent with APA guidelines.