Using APA format and APA guidelines , compose an 8- to 10-page paper using the Argosy University online library resources to address the following :
Define and discuss in detail the goals of penology theory and integrate the discussion with the overarching goal of prison management and leadership .
Research US penology theory and practice . Identify and explain five strengths and five weaknesses of the US prison management system as a whole .
The Centervale State Penitentiary is an old prison with a limited number of cameras in a few places . It does not have state-of-the-art equipment , and its policies and procedures to counteract prison violence have been in place for decades . Research penology prison violence reduction plans , policy , and procedure using the Argosy University online library resources . Discuss at least one violence reduction program that has failed and one program that you think might work . Be sure to explain why the program was successful or why it might have failed .
The Centervale State Penitentiary has two programs for inmates to work
in — the Cafeteria Program and the Prison Grounds Program . No educational programs exist at this time . Propose a course of action to reduce violence by implementing the following :
Educational Programming Employee Developmental Training Proactive Supervision Model
The brutal beating of Centervale State Penitentiary corrections Officer Brian Belle outraged the public to the extent that some citizens protested against inmates ' rights in the state capitol . Officer Belle suffered a broken leg , a broken arm , eight broken ribs , one broken vertebrae , and a skull fracture , which caused medical professionals to keep him in a medically induced coma for over a month .
After more than six months , Officer Belle returned to work , only to face the same situation again in the same corridor under the same policies . Staunchly , Officer Belle maintains his authority in the prison and intends to testify against them at their trial .
Officer Belle constantly receives community support , and the District Attorney ' s Office receives constant complaints about how long it is taking to try the inmates charged with assaulting Officer Belle .