CJA 415 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Train the Trainers CJA 415 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Train the Tra

CJA 415 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Train the Trainers Click Below Link To Purchase www.foxtutor.com/product/cja-415-module-5-assignment-1-lasa-2- train-the-trainers Here's What Happened . . . After your report was presented to the Centervale chief of police, he realized there is a need for training for law enforcement officials. Using the Simpson case as the basis, a proposal was presented and approved by the mayor to fund a special project. You have been asked to produce a written training curriculum to educate the trainers of Centervale's law enforcement officials about dealing with crime victims. The chief has asked you to cover both stranger violence and intimate violence. Your curriculum will supply trainers with information that would assist them in training new recruits, first responders, and detectives. Here's What You Need to Do . . . Prepare three short scenarios that could be used as training material. In the training material, include the three areas of stalking, intimate violence, and stranger violence. Following each scenario, generate questions that the trainers could present. Be sure to offer answers to these questions, with support, as a handy guide for the trainers. Finally, design a summary for the trainers that they can use to end their training. The summary should:Highlight the differences between criminology and victimology and why it is important for law enforcement officials to have a basic knowledge of both. Use examples from your created scenarios as support. Identify the relevant theories that pertain to violence against women. How can law enforcement make use of these facts?