CJA 343 All Assignments CJA 343 All Assignments | Page 14

CJA 343 Week 5 DQ 1, DQ 2 and DQ 3 Click Below Link To Purchase www.foxtutor.com/product/cja-343-week-5-dq-1,-dq-2-and-dq-3 CJA 343 Week 5 DQs What is the definition of ‘victim’? How does the role of the victim affect the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process? Is there a better solution to the improvement of victim’s rights? Explain. What is the definition of plea bargaining? What is an example of intermediate sanctions? What is the relationship of plea bargaining as it relates to sentencing? Compare and contrast the criteria of the various forms of sentencing and the rationale behind each. What did you learn in this class that you will use in future classes? How can this course be improved in the future? Week 5 Summary