CJA 225 STUDY Great Stories/cja 225 study.com CJA 225 STUDY Great Stories/cja 225 study.com | Page 9

Mark of those offenses because of the mistakes made by law enforcement officers during the investigation . Because Mark pleads not guilty , but was convicted during trial and had two prior DWI offenses , he was sentenced to ten years in the State Prison . Defense Attorney Long immediately notified the court of an impending appeal that would be filed by the defendant . In a report , using external sources to support your claims , answer the following : Compare and contrast the roles of the Judge , Jury , District Attorney ( Prosecutor ), and Defense Attorney . What are their primary functions and purposes in the courtroom Workgroup ? Discuss the rights of the defendant in your state during the trial phase of the criminal justice process . Discuss the rights of the victims and / or their families in your state during the pre-trial and trial phase of the criminal justice process . Would it be unusual for the family of a deceased victim to become angered by a slow criminal justice process or one where they are not permitted by law to be given information about the facts or evidence in the case by the District Attorney ' s Office before the trial ? Compare and contrast plea-bargaining versus going to trial . Historically , opponents to plea bargains have claimed that they are used to alleviate heavy workloads of prosecutors ( district attorneys ). Prosecutors argue that plea-bargaining is a necessary part of the criminal justice process for several reasons . Where is the future of the criminal justice process headed in this regard ? Analyze how the Highway Patrol ' s computer animated reenactment might have related to the Crime Scene Investigation ( CSI ) effect in the courtroom .