CJA 225 STUDY Great Stories/cja 225 study.com CJA 225 STUDY Great Stories/cja 225 study.com | Page 2

In a Microsoft Word document, provide the following information: A description of the process of how legislation is created in the state you have chosen and how the legislation affects the court system An explanation of the history of DUI laws in the state you have chosen, including the dates of the first DUI law and the first penalty A description of the current DUI law, any change that was made to the law, the court of the state that prosecutes DUI cases, and the penalties for DUI laws The reasons for the evolution of the DUI laws and for the changes made to them Step 3: Save and submit your assignment. Submission Details: Save your assignment as M1_A3_ doc. By Module 1, Day 7, submit your assignment to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox. Option 2: The Evolution of the Criminal Court System: The Laws in Your State This writing assignment involves exploring the evolution of criminal laws and their effects on the court system. Perform the following tasks: Step 1: Research the court system in your state, or the state of your choice, and the history of a crime, tracking its changes in substance and penalties. Conduct research to provide an explanation of the court structure in your state of choice, the history of a particular crime, its current substance and penalties, and the source for any changes. Step 2: Write a two-page paper. In a Microsoft Word document, provide the following information: A description of the structure of the court system in the state you have chosen An explanation of the history of the crime you selected in that state, including the date when a law was first enacted against that crime and the first penalty for the crime A description of the law related to that crime and whether the law has changed since its inception