CJA 225 Module 4 Assignment 2 The Trial Process CJA 225 Module 4 Assignment 2 The Trial Process
CJA 225 Module 4 Assignment 2 The Trial Process
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As you learned in your reading, there are several stages to a trial process. Once a crime is
reported, the police begin to investigate, collect evidence, and report evidence to the
prosecutor. The involvement of the police continues from the beginning of a case to its end.
In this assignment, imagine you are an officer at your local police station. Your supervising
officer assigns you to a prestigious unit that receives special projects, including education
development. As your first project, you are assigned the task of creating and presenting a
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation concerning the trial process to new recruits at the police
Perform the following tasks:
Step 1: Research and develop a plan for the trial process. Use information from both the
textbook and the Argosy University online library resources. Refer to the attached terms as a
road map and make sure that the terms pertaining to your state criminal court system are
present in your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Given below is the road map for this assignment.
Step 2: Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation describing the local criminal
trial process from the beginning to the end. Give thought to the difference between the
misdemeanor and the felony processes. In addition, differentiate between the defendant’s
choice of taking a case to a trial or as a plea. Discuss why a defendant may want to consider a