CJA 225 Course Great Wisdom / tutorialrank.com CJA 225 Course Great Wisdom / tutorialrank.com | Page 3

A description of the current DUI law , any change that was made to the law , the court of the state that prosecutes DUI cases , and the penalties for DUI laws
The reasons for the evolution of the DUI laws and for the changes made to them
Step 3 : Save and submit your assignment .
Submission Details :
Save your assignment as M1 _ A3 _ doc .
By Module 1 , Day 7 , submit your assignment to the M1 : Assignment 3 Dropbox .
Option 2 : The Evolution of the Criminal Court System : The Laws in Your State
This writing assignment involves exploring the evolution of criminal laws and their effects on the court system .
Perform the following tasks :
Step 1 : Research the court system in your state , or the state of your choice , and the history of a crime , tracking its changes in substance and penalties .