Civil War Magazine Volume 1 | Page 11

Happenings on the Homefront

Back at home, thousands of women are doing their part in this war effort. Many of them have even started "starvation parties" where they only serve water in order save rations for our soldiers. These resourceful women have also begun to send extra fabrics and sewn materials to help put clothes on the soldiers. With their spouses gone, many women have taken up the responsibility of protecting their household and harvesting their crops.

There has also been massive amount of inflation in Southern currency due to the over-printing of paper money. Because of this, everyday items such as wheat, flower, and meats have become much too expensive for the average citizen.

More conflict has also risen up because of the mandatory draft. As the wealthy slave owning class is able to pay their way out of the fight, many people have begun claiming that this whole conlict is a rich man's war but a poor man's fight.

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