Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 3 | Page 9

MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Dr. Prachand Man Pradhan Associate Professor and Head of Department Department of Civil Engineering Kathmandu University As in the past, our Civil Engineering students have published the third issue of the annual periodical ‘Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine’ through the Kathmandu University Civil Engineering Club (KUCEC), Department of Civil Engineering, Kathmandu University. I appreciate their noble initiation in upgrading the quality of the magazine by providing a ‘Journal Format’ for the technical section within the magazine. I see that the magazine is being upgraded with every new issue, reflecting the progress. I am thankful to the contributing authors and the well-wishers who have supported for this magazine’s success as in the past, and expect their continuous cooperation in the days to come. The articles are remarkable and will be beneficial to the academics as well as the professional societies. The Editorial Board of 2019 must be congratulated for their untiring effort in bringing this edition. I would also like to extend my appreciation to the KUCEC members, Sankalpa Committee 2019, Civil Engineering departmental faculties, and all the authors who have supported this magazine in different ways. This magazine has taken its shape also due to the generous gestures of the sponsors, for which I am highly indebted. Their trust in us has encouraged us to accelerate our motivation to reach greater heights. Further, I am sure that the gap between the academia and industry will be bridged with strong bonds through such collaborations. Finally, I wish a grand success of Sankalpa‘19 program. 9