Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 73

CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 PROJECTS A CASE STUDY OF MAHADEV RIVER STRETCH AT BHAISEPATI, KAVRE Group Members Rajan Sharma, Shovik Shilpakar, Sujan Shrestha, Ashish Shrestha, Chandika Shrestha, Amool Shrestha Supervisor Dr.-Ing. Ramesh Kumar Maskey INTRODUCTION Location: Mahadev River, Bhaisepati, Kavre Project Site: River stretch from Bhaisepati Bridge (around 1.2 km upstream and downstream of bridge) METHODOLOGY OBJECTIVES • • • • • • • • • • Study of river hydrology Preparation of contour map of area around river Analysis of sediment sample of river Study of cultural and socio-economic value of river Preliminary study Literature review and consultation Reconnaissance Survey Data collection Offi ce works (data analysis, evaluation and results)       SanimaMaiHydropowerLimited  HydropowerProjects: MaiHydropowerPlant(22MW) MaiCascadeHydropowerPlant(7MW) Location:MaiMunicipality,Ilam ListedinNEPSEas:SHPC  CorporateAddress: SANIMAHYDRO KMCͲ04,Dhumbarahi Kathmandu,Nepal P.O.Box:19737 Phone:977Ͳ1Ͳ4372828/4373030 Email:[email protected] MaiCascadeHPP:Powerhouse,spillway,forebayand tailracecanal             MaiHPP:Headworks 73