Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 71

CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 PROJECTS 71 PERFORMANCE TEST OF THE ULTRA LOW-HEAD HYDROPOWER TURBINE Group Members Nitesh Shrestha, Shradhye Shrestha, Rushit Shrestha, Sunil Shrestha, Sarina Shrestha, Bikash Sudhakar Supervisor Dr.-Ing. Ramesh Kumar Maskey INTRODUCTION Hydropower technology has been around for more than a century. Water is released from the reservoir fl owing through a turbine which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity. In Nepal, many people are suffering from energy crisis due to inadequate power plants. Ultra low-head hydropower turbine has the potential to become a renewable and sustainable resource through technical innovation and cost reduction. This system can use the site of low head and low discharge for the purpose of power generation. It is a simple structure with limited hydraulic and mechanical components, and can be installed in irrigation canal, navigation canal, waste-water treatment plant and manmade water fl owing system. MODEL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE TURBINE The components of the turbine built were: 1. Turbine hub: Polyvinyl pipe of thickness 0.2cm was used for the preparation of the turbine hub of diameter 7cm and length 10cm. 2. Blades: Blades of the turbine were prepared by using polyvinyl pipe, which were attached to the hub using M-seal. Two different blades profi le were constructed as follows 1. At an angle 0° with the hub axis OBJECTIVES • • • • • Fabrication of turbine as per design. To build test setup that can facilitate the testing of the turbine To measure various parameters (i.e. discharge through orifi ce, torque, etc.) To study hydraulic jump at the exit of turbine To calculate the effi ciency of the turbine model with specifi c blade profi le METHODOLOGY • • • • • • • Literature review Analysis of the working principle Design of testing canal Fabrication of the turbine Model construction and test preparation Experimental testing Calculation and testing setup 2. At an angle of 20° with the hub axis