Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 68

68 PROJECTS CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 MODEL OF BAMBOO HOUSE Group Members: Abhishek Dongol, Prashant Gautam, Ural Kafl e, Pratiksha KC, Dikshya Khadka, Bhanu Paudyal, Anuska Ranabhat Supervisor: Er. Shyam Sundar Khadka Bamboo is widely used for many forms of construction, in particular for housing in rural areas. Bamboo is a renewable and versatile resource, characterized by high strength and low weight, and is easily worked using simple tools. The bamboo-based house has a very low weight so the size of foundation can be minimized. For wall construction, wall panels are used, assembled from split bamboo grids and chicken steel mesh and plastered with cement mortar. Basic materials for house components (bamboo, wire, bolts, chicken mesh and cement) are easily available. Bamboo can tolerate high values of deformations in the elastic range i.e. possesses high elasticity. Therefore, bamboo houses when properly constructed are ductile, i.e. being able to sway back and forth during an earthquake, without any damage to the bamboo poles.The roof was made from a simple galvanized iron sheet. DEMONSTRATIVE MODEL OF EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT LOAD BEARING HOUSE Group Members: Srijan Dahal, Danraj Lamichhane, Suman Pandey, Khagendra Roka, Sushant Timalsina, Ankit Yadav Supervisor: Er. Ramesh Adhikari While no structure can be immune to damage from earthquakes, the goal of earthquake-resistant construction is to erect structures that fare better during seismic activity than their conventional counterparts. A ply of dimension (120cm*100cm) was taken, over which the model was built. The dimension of model is 80cm*80cm*40cm. The house is single storied and has two rooms. Same materials that are used in an actual earthquake resistant house were used to build the model. Small bricks of dimension (70mm*35mm*20mm) were used for masonry work. Masonry work was started over a layer of damp proof coarse. Horizontal bands below and above the windows were made to add additional strength. Reinforcement bars of diameter 4.75mm were incorporated in the horizontal bands and in appropriate corners to strengthen the structure. After fi nishing masonry work, stable roofi ng was added to the house. MODEL OF RUN-OF-RIVER HYDROPOWER (NAMARJUN MADI HYDROPOWER) Group Members: Prabin Adhikari, Sujan Khatiwada, Sajan Koirala, Pukar Shrestha, Siraz Shrestha, Amit Timsina Supervisor: Er. Santosh Chaudhary Run-of-River (ROR) hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of storage, in which case the storage reservoir is referred to as pondage. The demonstrative model of Run-of-River was constructed with scale of 1:1000 along with the terrain and land features made using the contour lines in the map of given project site. Components of ROR were then made in their respective location.