Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 62

62 INTERVIEW The government has a goal to produce 15000 MW in 10 years. However, the question that has arisen is: will all of it be consumed? Recently, electricity consumption has increased. We consume 150 kWh per capita per year, which is paltry compared to per capita consumption of electricity of developed countries at 15000 kWh per capita per year. If we are to produce 15000 MW of electricity, there needs to be a demand-side marketing as demand has not been increasing. Contrary to prevalent economic theories, supply creates demand in the electricity market. We know everybody depends on electricity and so we have to increase its demand. There are no industries to consume such a huge amount of electricity. If we can assure quality supply of electricity throughout the year only then will the industries have a stable resource. There are no railways or ropeways to consume electricity yet. We have also promised to go electric within 2030. To meet the goals, the government plans to use 10,000 MW for domestic use and 5000 MW forthe market and sell. I believe we will be able to consume all 15000 MW of electricity here in Nepal. However, there is also a lot of potential to sell electricity. We can have transmission of electricity disregarding borders throughout South Asia. These types of goals can be achieved through diplomacy. There is no problem regarding the amount of electricity being produced, but I reiterate that the demand of electricity should be created by marketing. However, there are no transmission lines and government should focus on constructing stableand ubiquitous transmission lines for quality power supply. Q. How important do you think is the role of Kathmandu University in producing aspiring civil engineers who have Specialization in Hydropower? Do you believe that we having specialized in hydropower have an advantage in entering the hydropower sector more than the others? I believe universities should focus on hydropower, as there are fewer human resources than there is a demand for them. There are benefi ts because a civil engineering student from KU has the preliminary knowledge CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 of a hydropower and its component. There is a comparative advantage too since graduates from KU do not require much training in hydropower. and ubiquitous transmission lines for quality power supply. Q. What would be the scope of hydropower engineers in the next 20 years. Would they still be in demand as today? I believe there will be no signifi cant change in demand. Even if it happens, an engineer well trained in hydropower can easily adapt to other areas in civil engineering as the concepts are similar. Even if the market were to become saturated, one has the opportunity to work abroad. However, I do not think the market for civil engineers will be completely saturated. There are always construction works being done, so there will be no complete saturation of the market. Q. What message/advice would you give to the aspiring future engineers in Hydropower Development.? My advice for future engineers is to have an in- depth knowledge of the fundamental theories as well as the practical aspects of this subject. Honing the skills of cost estimation, drafting and plotting are essential in this fi eld along with using software such as CAD and ENVI. During your internship, fi nd projects that are in construction phase; this will expose you to the different aspects of construction of hydropower. I would also advise the fi nal year students to serve the country in your fi eld for at least 3 years then only opt for a Master’s degree which will greatly aid your degree as well. If right after your undergraduate degree, you go for graduate studies and come back to Nepal searching for a job, you will be treated like a fresher. Your salary with a master’s degree will be the same as that of a person with a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, I strongly recommend putting in some work experience under your belt before your masters. I also don’t recommend people to use jobs as a vehicle for abroad opportunities. Do not leave your job commitment. It will look bad on your part. I also recommend having a great report writing skill as in a company there will be a report about almost everything. Lastly, I encourage you to balance knowledge with marks. As marks may get you the interview but knowledge will guarantee you the job.