Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 59
alongside numerous other production processes, emit a considerable amount of air
pollution that pose a serious health hazard to the workers in the factory, as well
as the local inhabitants nearby. Sarbottam Cement, however, has invested in new
innovations in key areas to greatly reduce its environmental impact. With the aim
to mitigate its fossil fuel consumption, Sarbottam has its own Thermal Power Plant
capable of generating up to 5 MW of electricity using rice husk - an agricultural
byproduct. The plant is also equipped with bag-house fi lters in every junction point
in every conveyor belt in every process module - from raw material to fi nal product;
bag-house fi lters vacuum dust laden air into fi ltration chambers, thereby greatly
reducing air pollution. In addition to the comprehensive use of machine based air
pollution control measures, Sarbottam has also planted 300 trees throughout the
plant - with a plan to grow up towards 1000 trees in the near future. Due to
this extensive investment in reducing the electrical burden as well as in effectively
managing carbon and air pollutant emissions, Sarbottam can proudly present its
products: Green Sarbottam OPC Cement and Shree Green Sarbottam PPC Cement
- the fi rst truly green cement in Nepal.
Sarbottam takes limestone mining very seriously. On one hand, Sarbottam
deeply cares about preserving the natural heritage and raw beauty of Nepal’s
wilderness. The directors of Sarbottam are avid trekkers and have a keen appreciation
of Nepal’s untamed geography. On the other hand, Sarbottam understands the
crucial role of cement in the development of a nation. Cement is used by small
scale private consumers who have worked hard and saved up to build a home, as
well as large scale construction companies who aim to build bridges, hydropower
dams, roads and much more. Though limestone mining destroys entire hills, it is the
most fundamental and necessary step in cement production; it is an inescapable
environmental cost for constructing secure homes and building a stable future.
Sarbottam believes that the only way to justify such a colossal consumption of natural
resources is by producing cement uncompromising in quality and strength, thereby
assuring Sarbottam’s consumers - both small-scale and large - that their signifi cant
investment in their dream house or project is secure, whilst simultaneously ensuring
that the destruction of the Nepalese landscape was not for nothing. This philosophy
is the underlying driving factor for Sarbottam’s existence and continued operation.
Because of this dual responsibility - one towards nature and the environment, and
the other towards the development of the nation and its people - Sarbottam Cement
has opted to embrace innovation rather than be content with the status quo. As
a result, for the fi rst time in Nepal, there exists a cement company that can match
any European construction product or standard, but is made in Nepal, by Nepalis
for Nepalis.