Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 52

52 STUDENTS’ SECTION CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 3D PRINTING AND ITS APPLICATION IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Umesh Raj Joshi Student BE in Civil Engineering (3 rd Year) INTRODUCTION Three-Dimensional Printing or Additive Manufacturing, commonly known as 3D Printing, is the process of making 3-dimensional solid objects by using CAD (Computer Aided Design). A 3D design is prepared with CAD software, later to be exported as a Standard Tessellation Language (STL) fi le. The fi le is then sliced into a number of 2D layers. A third layer is added on top of these two, thus forming a complete 3D block. The materials generally used for 3D printing are plastic (ABS, PLA, PVA), steel, gold, titanium and Geopolymer Concrete. Figure 1: A 3D printer in action (Source: 3D printing has become one of the fastest growing technologies in recent years since its invention in 1984. The technology has become cheaper and simplifi ed over the years promoting its use in several fi elds. The medical industry has started using 3D printing to print human organs. On the other hand, automobile and aerospace industries have also started using the technology to print automobile and aerospace products. In 2014, 3D printing was employed to print a house after which it started gaining ground in construction industry. The construction industry has now moved towards digital construction taking a leap away from the traditional, constructional practices and architectural designs. CA D 3D M odel er ST L F i l e Sl i ci ng A ppl i cat i on L ay er sl i ces and t ool pat hs 3D Pr i nt er 3D Obj ect Figure 2: Typical work-fl ow of 3D Printing