Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 45

STUDENTS’ SECTION CIVIL INSIGHT 2018 45 2. Can withstand higher temperatures than that of bitumen road (i.e. from -40 degrees to 80 degrees Celsius) and can have lifespan of 50 years. 3. Lower penetration value; withstands higher load. No stripping or corrosion – Resists the permeation of water, requiring less maintenance. The road can withstand heavy traffi c and show better durability. 4. Better binding property, higher Marshall stability–increased strength of road and costs less compared to bitumen road.The use of plastic saves NRs 200,000 per km of road. 5. The use of plastic would release less CO 2 in the air compared to Asphalt. It is estimated that the use of Asphalt releases about 1.6 million tons of CO 2 each year. DISADVANTAGES 1. The burning of plastic waste creates air pollution and health hazards. CASE STUDIES In Nepal, 100m of Anupam Marg in Pokhara-14 was blacktopped using plastic waste materials like wrappers from noodles, biscuits, milk packets and tobacco. In India, more than 200km length plastic tar road have been laid out on different states since 2002. Theseroads are functioning well without potholes, reveling and rutting. This technique was fi rst adopted in Banglore, India in 2002 where in a 25 km plastic road was laid. The plastic road showed superior smoothness, uniformity and less rutting as compared to a plastic free road laid at the same time, which began developing “crocodile crack” soon after.The process was also approved in 2003 by the CRRI (Central Road Research Institute Delhi). At present, many countries like Japan, Korea, Ghana, USA, Canada, etc. have started using the concept of plastic roads. CONCLUSION Plastic road can be adopted as a new approach for road construction. This new concept shows better performance, cost effectiveness and can reduce the one of world’s biggest problem of plastic waste. BIBLIOGRAPHY Gawande, A. (2013). Economics and Viability of Plastic road. Retrieved from Barad, M. Use of Plastic in Bitumenous Road Construction . Retrieved from “Use of waste Plastic in Construction of bituminous road .”(Vol. 4 No.05 May 2012) (International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology(IJEST) “ A Study on the Plastic Waste Treatment Methods for Road Construction. ” (Volume 3, Issue6) (International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovation in Technology “We shape our buildings thereafter they shape us” -Winston Churchill “My buildings will be my legacy. They will speak for me long after I’m gone! ” -Jullia Morgan