Civil Insight: A Technical Magazine Volume 2 | Page 38
Photo 2: Well in Front of Dattatreya Temple
Photo 3: Siddha Pokhari
During medieval period, King Jitajit Malla brought surface water to the city in 1678 through Raj Kulo (Royal
Canal) from the Mahadev River, one of the tributaries of Hanumante River. Raj Kulo (Royal Irrigation System)
was a multipurpose irrigation system that was constructed for water supply system in the city and to irrigate
farms in the lowland parts of the city. Moreover, the water from Raj Kulo started to recharge groundwater that
increased water table in the wells and ensured the continuous fl ow of water in stone spouts in the city. King
Jitajit Malla also announced various religious and social regulations to ensure the continuous fl ow of water in
Raj Kulo. Further improvement and rehabilitation in the canal were undertaken by many rulers of Bhaktapur
until 1932. Unfortunately, it became dysfunctional after the major earthquake in 1936.
Photo 5: Intake at Mahadev River
Photo 6: Water Treatement
Plant at Basbari
In 1895, piped drinking water was introduced in Bhaktapur city from the Mahadev River (the water source
of Raj Kulo). In the 1980’s, private connections of water supply were made available through the Bhaktapur
Development Project along with the construction of water treatment plant at Basbari. Hence, water supply
system in Bhaktapur city was dynamic and new techniques were adopted along with new factors of change
and development.