City Year Sacramento: Bank of America Team Newsletter FY14 Edition | Page 2

- Social Justice For All - Teamwork - Ubuntu . . ! Rosa Parks was ppppppppppppppproud to celebrate hhhhhhhhhhhhhhHmong New Year by iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinviting the whole school to an evening celebration. The event included a glimpse into the wonderfully rich culture of the Hmong immigrant population of the school. A talent show, where many of our students bravely sung, danced, and performed their hearts out was followed by a dinner of traditional Hmong foods. City Year's o w n H m o n g m e m b e r, L a o L o r, represented City Year with pride as he took the stage with his after school breakdancing crew. ! Dia de Los Muertos Rosa Parks celebrated by setting up different enrichment stations to help our students understand the different cultural aspects of the day. These stations included an alter, a face painting station to represent the importance of the skull, a history of the day presentation, and an edible cookie decorating station. These were all interactive stations which encouraged hands on student learning. The kids, grades 1st through 6th, left this day with a greater understanding of the importance and rituals of Dia de Los Muertos. City Year is on Twitter Follow our service on Twitter: ! @CityYearSAC You can also follow us nationally: Page 2 @CityYear #MakeBetterHappen ! After-School Rosa Parks K-8 has a partnership between Target Excellence and City Year in the after-school program that is designed to provide both enrichment and excitement for those who choose to partake in it. The program includes students from grades first through eighth as this maximizes the amount of people who can take part in the activities and get the extra support they need. Students are provided with daily help on their homework and a variety of activities including art, sports, and music. Middle school even has a program set up where students alternate between clubs: Film Club, . Girl’s Club, Cooking Club, Science Club, etc. This gives them the chance to be exposed to a variety of new interests and experiences. ! Education Fairs City Year spearheaded three dddddiiiddidifferent education fairs for tttttttttttttttttthe students at Rosa Parks. sssssssiiiiiAll those in after-school were aaaaaaaiiiable to partake in a Science Fair, a History Fair, and a College and Career Fair. Each Corps Member took charge of a booth that engaged students in different experiments, excited them about new eras and cultures, and allowed them to explore new and exciting paths for their futures. “I loved all the City Years that dressed up like they lived in different times.” Rosa Parks’ 101st Birthday & Black History Month ! Our school is named after a very s p e c i a l l a d y, w h o w o u l d h a v e celebrated her 101st birthday on February 4th, Rosa Parks. We took the opportunity to celebrate her and educate our children on what exactly she did to help civil and human rights. During lunch time, City Years Corps members went around to classrooms to give short presentat ions (and give out delicious cookies!) about who she was and how her actions lead to more equality for all. ! Rosa Parks’ birthday event was a kick start to our black history month celebrations. City Year corps members, collaborating with administration and teachers, were able to put on an event every Tuesday showcasing a different aspect of black history and culture. These events focused on African American entertainers, leaders, activists, inventors, community members, fraternity members, and more. The month of February ended in a well attended Black History Night which celebrated ‘The Evolution of Rhythm and Poetry’. Performances . were given by our talented K-8 school choir and 7th/8th grade individuals who entertained the crowd with their spoken words and songs. Students First, Collaboration Always - Excellence - - Idealism - Service to a Cause Greater Than Self - Empathy - Hmong New Year