City Services Satisfaction Survey 2013 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 67

Perceptions Of City’s Communication Efforts The majority of citizens report they use various information sources, including Internet (72%), TV (56%), and newspaper (47%), to keep up with Arlington. Although not surprising, it’s notable that more than half of citizens (58%) cited city-affiliated sites or web pages, including the City of Arlington (COA) website, the COA Facebook pages, the COA news site, etc. as their information sources about the city. Among the city’s communication channels, the city website continues to be rated highest at a top-two-box rating of 77%, followed by city TV channels (68%), and the council webcast (63%). About two-thirds of Arlington residents feel that they would get answers they need when they visit or call a city facility, and that city employees either provide the answer or find someone who can. Also, consistent with last year, only about half agree that they would get the same answer when they ask the same question from different city employees. This continues to suggest more improvements are needed for unequivocal communications with citizens. There appear to be a few areas that the city could build more awareness or publicity of among citizens, based on relatively low awareness of the city’s efforts as below: Slightly over one in three residents (36%) report being aware that they can submit a question, complaint, comment, or suggestion for the city through the Action Center. Only 16% are aware of resources available through the Housing Authority for those facing foreclosure. Decision Analyst, Inc. 67