City Services Satisfaction Survey 2011 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 8

Other Miscellaneous Services. City services that are rated very high at or above 90% include municipal airport, garbage collection, convention center, emergency management service, and action center. On the opposite end, city services that are rated low under 70% and need some improvements are code enforcement, Handitran, and health inspection. Perceptions Of City’s Initiatives And Communication Efforts The city’s initiatives surveyed are rated with a wide range of top-two-box ratings, from 36% to 83%, indicating a mix of favor and disfavor. The city’s efforts in encouraging tourism are perceived very positively (83% “excellent” or “good”). Conversely, compared to the other city initiatives and projects/campaigns, the city’s projects that need some improvement are:  Focusing on mobility and transportation  Protecting from flooding and erosion  Focusing on financial stewardship  Enhancing and preserving neighborhoods. The city’s communications with citizens appear to receive generally positive reactions, with a desire to get more uniform answers from city employees.  Over three-quarters of Arlington residents feel that they would get answers they need when they call or visit a city facility. Also, most tend to agree that city   employees either provide the answer or find someone who can. However, only about half agree that they would get the same answer when they ask the same question from different city employees. This suggests a possible lack of uniform guidelines in communications with citizens. All city communication channels are rated moderately high, with the city website being the highest at a top-two-box rating of 83%, followed by the council website and city TV channels (both 76% top-two-box). Decision Analyst, Inc. 8