City Services Satisfaction Survey 2010 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 29

Feeling Of Safety Walking Alone… – Trend (Top Two Box—Very Safe/Somewhat Safe) Dec. 2000 Jan. 2007 Jan. 2008 Dec. 2009 Neighborhood in General 91 84 87 97 96 95 96 Neighborhood - Day 78 77 Neighborhood - Night 73 69 Business Area - Day 94 92 89 Business Area - Night 68 61 53 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 Percent Question: Q19a/b/c/d/e “How safe would you feel walking alone in your neighborhood/business area in general/during the day/at night?” Base: Total respondents, excluding “don’t knows.” (Base Varies) Statistical Note: A single-line “up” arrow (↑) indicates a significant increase and a single-line “down” arrow (↓) indicates a significant decrease from the last wave in 2008. A block “up” arrow (×) indicates a significant increase and a block “down” arrow (Ø) indicates a significant decrease from the first wave in 2000 (i.e., difference significant at or above the 95% confidence level.) Decision Analyst, Inc. 28