City Services Satisfaction Survey 2008 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 106
Data Collection
Telephone Interviewing
Each primary number in the sample received an original call and up to two callbacks at
different times on different days. If, including weekends, an interview could not be
completed after two callbacks, substitution was permitted.
Data Tabulation
The final statistical tables were created via UNCLE ® . This comprehensive data
management and cross-tabulation system has one overriding objective in mind: the
production of consistently accurate statistical tables. For example, most formatting is
automatic within UNCLE ® to eliminate format-related errors. The software contains
hundreds of embedded error-trapping algorithms to eliminate syntactical errors. The
system produces a Summary Report, to condense all of the programmer's instructions
into a simple, easy-to-read format, which makes any programming errors easy to find
during quality-control checking. Another quality-control procedure involves a thorough
crosscheck of percentages in the statistical tables against the same percentages in an
UNCLE ® Marginal report. (Within UNCLE ® , the Marginal program and the program
module which compiles the statistical tables are based upon different algorithms so that
each can serve as an independent accuracy check upon the other.) Additionally,
tabulation programmers follow a multi-step, quality-control checklist to ensure produc-
tion of accurate statistical tables.
All questionnaires and source documents will be stored by Decision Analyst for six
months before being destroyed. The data itself will be stored on magnetic tape for three
years. During this time period, additional cross-tabulations or statistical analyses can
be purchased at Decision Analyst's standard hourly rates.
Decision Analyst, Inc.