City Services Satisfaction Survey 2006 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 70

Awareness Of City Projects And Campaigns Very Informed Cowboys stadium project 7 Public transportation needs 10 I-30 improvement project 8 14 14 20 81 37 56 34 15 0 Somewhat Informed 18 26 Environmental awareness campaigns Informed 29 53 31 53 40 60 80 10 0 Percent Question: “The City has recently embarked on several projects or campaigns and distributed various types of communication pieces to inform the public about these projects or campaigns. As I read each project or campaign, please tell me how informed you feel you are about the subject, using a scale of ‘very informed,’ ‘informed,’ ‘somewhat informed,’ and ‘not at all informed.’ (First/Next), how informed do you feel you are about …?” Base: Total respondents, excluding “don’t knows.” (Base Varies; Average Base Size: n=428) Note: This question asked beginning in 2005. Decision Analyst, Inc. 70