City Services Satisfaction Survey 2004 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 59

Rating Of City Libraries By Users – Trend (Top Two Box—Excellent/Good) Dec. 2000 Dec. 2001 Nov. 2002 Nov. 2003 Courtesy of Library Staff 96 94 96 96 Overall Library Environment 95 95 94 94 93 91 92 91 Overall Quality of Libraries NA NA Library Programs* 89 91 81 84 87 89 Conveniently Located NA NA Electronic Resources Available* × 89 87 NA NA Selection of Printed Materials Available 86 85 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Question: “Thinking about Arlington city libraries, how would you rate Arlington on…?” Base: Have visited or used an Arlington city library in past 12 months, excluding “don’t knows.” (Base Varies; Average Base Size: 2000 n=364; 2001 n=333; 2002 n=316; 2003 n=328) * These measures were asked beginning in 2002. Statistical Note: A single-line “up” arrow (↑) indicates a significant increase and a single-line “down” arrow (↓) indicates a significant decrease from the last wave in 2002. A block “up” arrow (×) indicates a significant increase and a block “down” arrow (Ø) indicates a significant decrease from the first wave in 2000 (i.e., difference significant at or above the 95% confidence level.) Decision Analyst, Inc. 59