City Services Satisfaction Survey 2004 City Services Satisfaction Survey | Page 12

Overall Ratings Of Arlington City Services – Trend (Cont.) (Top Two Box—Excellent/Good) Dec. 2000 Dec. 2001 Nov. 2002 Nov. 2003 84 81 79 76 Ø 77 74 77 76 Athlet. Facilities Animal Serv. 69 Code Enf.** 62 74 74 Ç 69 72 73 68 Afford. Hsng. NA 38 Park & Ride* 43 NA NA Street Sweeping* 67 55 NA NA Handitran* Ç 61 60 60 47 47 45 46 Street Maint. NA NA NA Managing Traffic Flow* 0 42 20 40 60 80 10 0 Percent Question: “And please rate each of the following services that the City provides, using a scale of excellent, good, fair, and poor.” Base: Total respondents, excluding “don’t knows.” (Base Varies; Average Base Size: 2000 n=451; 2001 n=433; 2002 n=434; 2003 n=434) * Ratings for “Managing Traffic Flow” began in 2003. Ratings for “Handitran” and “Street Sweeping” began in 2002. Ratings for “Park & Ride” began in 2001. ** Note: Wording of this category was changed in 2003 from “Code enforcement” to “Enforcement of city health & welfare codes.” Statistical Note: A single-line “up” arrow (↑) indicates a significant increase and a single-line “down” arrow (↓) indicates a significant decrease from the last wave in 2002. A block “up” arrow (×) indicates a significant increase and a block “down” arrow (Ø) indicates a significant decrease from the first wave in 2000 (i.e., difference significant at or above the 95% confidence level.) Decision Analyst, Inc. 12