City News Fall 2013 Newsletter Nov. 2013 | Page 4

WILMINGTON Connect With Your City Fall 2013 C I T Y O F W I L M I N G T O N P U B L I C I N F O R M AT I O N R E P O R T How can I connect with city government? According to the latest citizen survey, most citizens would prefer to get their news straight from the City of Wilmington. The city offers several different ways to get news and information, such as the following: CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Wilmington City Council meetings are open to the public and generally held twice a month at City Hall. All materials the Council will consider for action are placed on the city’s website for public review. SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK Main city page: cityofwilmington Parks & recreation: wilmingtonrecreation WFD: WilmingtonFD WPD: WilmingtonPD TELEVISION GTV8 (TIME WARNER CABLE CHANNEL 8) Watch your government at work if you can’t come to City Hall. City Council meetings are televised live on Ch. 8 and streamed on the city’s website. The meetings are also replayed: Wednesday / Thursday / Friday (the week of the Council meeting) 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Wednesday / Thursday / Friday (the week after the Council meeting) 11:30 p.m. GTV8 ONLINE All GTV8 programming can be found on the city’s website, live or on-demand. From the front page, simply click on “online videos”, then select the program you want to watch. Affordable Housing: wilmingtonhousing Create Wilmington’s comprehensive plan: createwilmington Southeastern North Carolina Airborne Law Enforcement Unit helicopter (SABLE): SABLE Air Unit INSTAGRAM cityofwilm TWITTER Main city page: @CityofWilm WFD: @WilmingtonFD WPD: @WilmingtonPD Traffic: @WilmNCtraffic Human resources: @CityofWilmJOBS Create Wilmington’s comprehensive plan: @createwilm SABLE: @SABLEAirUnit WEBSITES main city website site for current comprehensive planning efforts citize