City Manger's Annual Report 2023 | Page 4

Dear residents ,
As we delve into the 2023 edition of the City Manager ’ s Annual Report , it brings me immense pleasure to extend this forward on behalf of the City Council . Port St . Lucie ’ s journey , as illustrated within these pages , reflects our ongoing commitment to evolution , adaptation and thoughtful planning for the future .
Aligned with our shared vision for Port St . Lucie , articulated through the City ’ s Strategic Plan , your City Council and I stand united in carrying out this collective goal . This strategic roadmap , encapsulated in seven key goals , is not merely the Council ’ s vision but a testament to the shared dreams of our entire community – residents , businesses and organizations alike . In Port St . Lucie , our promises are not just words ; they are a commitment to the realization of a vibrant and thriving city – the heart of the Treasure Coast .
This report highlights the significance we place on public engagement and community involvement in shaping the future of our City . The annual Citizen Summit and community survey serve as crucial touchpoints , offering invaluable insights from you , our residents , to gauge our direction and ensure alignment with your expectations . This collaborative , data-driven approach continues to fortify our community , making it stronger with each passing year .
At this unique juncture in our history , with an extensive land area spanning 121 square miles , we ’ ve proudly secured our status as the sixth-largest city in Florida . Experiencing rapid growth , our community has welcomed approximately 20,000 new residents in the past two years alone .
Reflecting on my service – more than a decade on the City Council – the achievements this past year have been substantial , from the construction of Pioneer Park at The Port , to the development of most of the Southern Grove Jobs Corridor years ahead of schedule , to the successful pursuit of $ 50 million in grant funding . This momentum is a testament to our commitment to progress and we aim to build upon it , remaining a welcoming , safe , beautiful and prosperous city for all people .
In the pages to follow , you ’ ll discover the strides we ’ ve taken , the challenges we ’ ve overcome and the promising future that lies ahead . I invite you to take pride in your City ’ s progress and encourage your active participation in shaping the chapters that unfold .
If the City Council or I can be of assistance , please contact us at 772-871-5159 .
Sincerely ,
Shannon M . Martin , Mayor
Jolien Caraballo Vice Mayor , District 4 Councilwoman
Stephanie Morgan District 1 Councilwoman
David Pickett District 2 Councilman
Anthony Bonna , Sr . District 3 Councilman
4 | 2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report