$ 50 Million in Grants Fuel City Projects
City Manager ’ s Office
One tool the City has available to make improvements while maintaining fiscal responsibility is through financial grants . These allow us to meet the needs of residents with fewer taxpayer dollars . In 2023 , the City received $ 50 million in grants for projects that tie directly to different aspects of our Strategic Plan .
That included more than $ 28 million for water quality projects and road improvements . A total of $ 4.2 million was used for a playground , plus homeowner and rental assistance . $ 3.4 million is available to boost small businesses and support vital infrastructure projects . And a $ 1 million grant will allow the City to plant trees across Port St . Lucie , reducing carbon emissions , providing shade that can reduce temperatures and more .
In addition , the City received nearly $ 25 million in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds under the American Rescue Plan Act . Together , these grants allow us to meet our goals of ensuring the City is safe , clean and beautiful .
16 | 2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report