Now that we have explored some great things to do that will cost
some money we cannot forget all the fun this city offers for free!
Sledding in the winter - The City of Calgary has specific hills that are designated safe for
sledding, so before heading out make sure you check that you are allowed to sled where you are
going. You can find more information on the City of Calgary website. Sledding is a great way to
stay active on warm winter days for free.
Aggie Days - Are held the second weekend of April and are free to attend. Aggie Days offers
interactive displays for children to learn from including sheep shearing and cow milking. Just
remember that parking at Stampede grounds can be expensive so best to take transit. That could
make for two great things to do on one day. First transit trip to visit Aggie Days.
Spray Parks - The City of Calgary maintains seven spray parks throughout the city. They are
located in Bowness Park, Canmore Park, Eau Claire Plaza, Prairie Winds Park, Rotary Park, South
Glenmore Park and Valleyview Park. They are open from 9am through 9pm, mid-June until Labour
Day (weather permitting). Many communities also offer spray parks. This is a fantastic way for little
ones to cool off in the warm summer days.