City Guide 2014 Jun. 2014 | Page 36

VANCOUVER | resources Dayan Physiotherapy & Pelvic Floor Clinic (604) 739-3133 Pure Infant Massage (604) 762-6282 Deme Pre & Postnatal Services (604) 339-6621 Ripple Effect Coaching (604) 418-7821 Eisler for Kids (allergies & intolerances) [email protected] Rockababy (778) 821-3100 evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255-7777 SleepDreams (604) 985-2991 Fitness Doula (604) 910-3065 Sleep Stars Consulting (778) 881-4345 Hushababy (604) 803-0068 Sleepy Miracles (604) 788-3044 Le Petit Spa (604) 224-4314 Vitamin K Nutrition Consulting (604) 506-0399 Leap Therapy for Kids (604) 770-0101 Warm Buddy (877) 649-9276 Lice 911 West 1st Chiropractic Clinic (604) 736-8353 Life Stages Feeding (778) 847-6464 Winks and Whispers Sleep Consultant (604) 787-8232 Little Dreamers Consulting (604) 319-0207 Listening Hands Physio (604) 460-7890 Miss Behaviour (778) 996-6535 Mission2Care (604) 279-2055 Mother Me (604) 524-1793 Olive Fertility Centre (604) 559-9950 Photographers Candice Wong Photography (604) 813-9674 Images by Bethany (778) 846-8321 Pure & Sweet Photography (604) 785-1338 Pollock Clinics (604) 717-6200 Prenatal to Parenting (604) 928-0620 36 • | VANCOUVER | A RESOURCE GUIDE | 2014