City Cottage July 1 | Page 49

jobs in the garden
For us here at City Cottage , July is very much centred around getting the vegetable garden up to scratch while at the same time keeping the flowers and the lawn in trim . Not that it is a big lawn by any means !
Taking land away from a lawn , as we have done here for vegetables , can have certain consequences - especially for crops like potatoes . As un-natural as a lawn may be , over the years it achieves its own balance of predator and pest . When the grass is removed , the end result is the pests grow hungry and look for alternatives .
For potatoes , wire worms and scab are the result , which don ’ t cause huge amounts of problems - the scab is easily peeled off , though you will not win any prizes and the wireworms don ’ t tend to cause many losses .
This can go on for three years , but eventually will fall off .
But our vegetable garden is based around raised beds , and we are adding new soil , and as long as the soil didn ’ t come from grassland , we should be just fine .
As the summer matures we have plenty of time to enjoy the fruits of our labours . But don ’ t sit back too long – there ’ s still plenty to do in the food garden before the harvest !
The raised beds at City Cottage are starting to take shape
Sow ...
Variety Cropping Notes
Chinese brassicas
Spring or as soon as they look edible
Autumn King for autumn and Chantenay for winter
Chinese cabbage can be sown directly into their bed . Continue sowing until the end of August if you have the space .
Continue to sow carrots until the end of July . You don ’ t have to worry about carrot fly . The two varieties , Autumn King ‘ Campestra ’ and ‘ Chantenay Royal ’ are ideal .
Winter onwards
Choose a hot day in midsummer
and sow thinly . Water well ,
especially as the seedlings grow .
All the time
Keep sowing lettuce . In very hot weeks sow them in the evening and water well to keep the temperature down .
Winter Onions
Sow in late July early August in
drills 10cm ( 4 in ) apart .
Salad Onions
Late summer onwards
Continue to sow until August .
Harvest when big enough to
peel without wasting any and
onwards .