City Cottage 2 | Page 29

Lubera breeds and produces their plants in the Rhine valley, in Switzerland, in the middle of the Swiss Alps. It goes without saying that their plants are very weather resistant.

Known the world over for their superb ‘Redlove’ apple range, a selection of apples which a bright red right through from the skins to the flesh and also the ‘Sparkling’ apple, which fizzes on the tongue.

Lubera also produce a variety of other unusual and easy to grow fruits such as :


•Heart Nuts

•Cape Gooseberries

•Edible Dahlias


•Red, green and yellow apple varieties

Specialised fruit for container and small space growing – including miniature peaches, nectarines, pears and cherries

And the list goes on and on…..!

Lubera launched their UK website in 2014, Not only can you buy fruit, vegetables and flowers from here, but also peruse many of the informative and extremely entertaining videos.

To save 10% simply go to the Lubera website and type the following code into the search box when making your order


For more information you can contact Lubera on :

Tel.: 0845 527 16 58
Email: [email protected]

Cloudberry 'Aromartic'

Heartnut 'Heartbreaker'

Offer available

in UK only

In the last 10 years, Lubera has bred and introduced more than 90 new fruit varieties to the market.