Peppers will go in the greenhouse, they have been so prolific this year, and the ones I have grown, Ancho, Sweet cayenne, sweet capsicum, none too hot, can all be eaten green. Really worth the effort. But I haven't made my mind up just yet whether I should get some of those polythene shelving thingies and grow them in those against the house wall.
They are very cheap, and last a couple of seasons but will then make good shelving in the greenhouse - the plastic cover gets all brittle, and that's why they are not for permanent use.
Cucumbers have been grown outside in pots, and fantastic results they were. I will continue, and indeed increase them next year, in 30 cm pots, treated to tomato feed, or your organic equivalent. This variety, English gherkin, has produced well over a kilo of cucumbers per pot. The skin is as tough as boots, but the flesh is the most flavoursome you ever tasted.
I will grow them on the wall, so they are using space that was not really in use anyway. I pickle them and obviously they are great in salads, thick enough to be sliced onto a burger in one go!
We have a strawberry bed, simple to create. It was an old box of 6 from B & Q that was on 'special offer before they actually die' and I planted them equally spaced in a full bed - yes a serious expense of land, but we make a lot of strawberry jam!
The plants send out runners and already I have more than three times the number of plants I bought, and at about 250 g strawberries per plant in early summer we will get a good few pots of jam from them!
They are as tough as old boots, though by their third year, viral infections makes them past their best. So those are removed to be replaced by their 'daughters'.
One thing is a must; Lots of horticultural netting for next year. I used a lot last year and did well, but it is so windy here much of it was destroyed, so I thought I would give chicken wire a go - it didn't work so well.
One final point, I hope to get some more land to work. The neighbour isn't doing a great deal with the back garden, and just maybe I can rent a bit - always on the look out for more land!
English gherkin cucumber