Citrus College Near Space Balloon Project 2013-2014 Volume 1 | Page 9

e. Timetable Space Owls' Milestone Timeline 2013-2014 Date August 28 October October November 8 December January January February 13-18 Late February- March March March Event Meet Recording Department Members Preliminary Design of Whistle Vessel Due Launch Preliminary Design of Microphones Outreach Event: Goddard Middle School Critical Design of Whistle Vessel Due Whistle Vessel and Recorder Design Due Launch Whistle Vessel and Recorder Travel to Alaska RISE Outreach: La Fetra Science Fair and Azusa Fair Analyze data Report of Analysis Due f. Budget and Justification It is necessary for the Space Owls to launch their high altitude balloon in Alaska because while the aurora borealis occurs in several different places around the world, Alaska would be the closest place the team could travel to in order to observe this phenomenon. If the team were to attempt to travel outside of the United States, travel expenses would become much greater and the process could become very inconvenient for the team, as well as for Citrus College. All team members would need to obtain passports, surpass language barriers, and face limited resources and safety concerns if the team were to select another country. The team estimates the cost of the trip to Alaska would be approximately $8,613. This would cover all eight team members for up to five days. This includes round trip airfare, lodging for all the team members, transportation, food, and gas for transportation. Each teammate will need roughly $500 for a round-trip ticket from LAX to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, as well as two hotel rooms (one for females and one for males) which is estimated to be about $233 per room per night. In addition, the team will also need to pay for transportation, which would be roughly $100 a day in order to travel between the launching locations and the hotel. Each member will also need about $20 per day for food, and transportation also is estimated to be roughly $200 for the entire trip depending on how far the team will need to travel to reach the launching sites. However, this does not include the expenses entailed in launching the balloon, which would be an additional $700 for each launch. The team hopes to make at least two launches in Alaska in order to get the best results possible for the team’s research. If the team is able to launch the balloon once, the total cost of the trip would be approximately $9,313. If the team is able to launch twice, the total cost would be approximately $10,013. The team is entirely committed to its research and experiments, and members will do all that it takes to make the most of this trip in order to expand their knowledge, and bring new information to the scientific community.   -­?  9-­?