Citizenship Today | Page 99

 Upper Intermediate B- Citizenship Today

Unheard Voices

Folgar, Juan F.

Unconscious consumerism

Do you ever ask yourself why a friend wears a

T-shirt with a popular icon and without knowing its meaning? Or have you ever seen people who

don´t stop buying new home appliances just to stay up to date? In this text we are going to talk about why people use these devices. Nowadays, we are constantly trying to join groups, be part of a community, be essential for all our social groups or work partners. In part, to be able to interact with people of each group. In a lot of cases, just to be interesting, we incorporate trends that are not related to us. So, why are we led by these? Because in our society we have what Oedipus calls "the unlimited desire". That means that nothing we want is ever going to satisfy us 100%. Because of this, companies make advertisements with the idea that a product is new, with more functions and that you need it. Today the evolution of technology