Citizenship Today | Page 90

 Upper Intermediate B- Citizenship Today

Unheard Voices

Folgar, Juan F.

Dyed hair

There was a young boy that wanted to dye his hair, but his father didn´t let him because it made his father look bad, but he wanted to be himself, to have his own style and the thought that he didn´t care about what people said. All of his friends dyed their hair, and his schoolmates made fun of him, he still thought that he didn´t care what people thought but he wanted to dye his hair because he wanted to be like the others. The summer holidays begun and his parents went out of the city the last week of the holidays. He took advantage of the moment and dyed his hair. When he came back to school, nobody was dyed, he was so happy because he was now accepted, the dyed hair was old-fashioned and people still made fun of him. He went to his house and, to his good fortune, his parents came back early and punished him. He was very sad.