Citizenship Today | Page 75

 Upper Intermediate A- Citizenship Today

What would YOU do? (A story told from different points of view)

Fernández Ivern, Mariana

leader started to put on a red woolen hat to make fun of my hair. I felt sad and angry because I knew I couldn’t do anything to stop it.

But today was different. While I was leaving the schoolyard, the group of boys appeared. However, when the leader started to put the red hat on they saw a senior sitting on a table with his group of friends behind me who had dyed his hair red like mine. Suddenly, the boys stopped bullying me and walked away. I felt really surprised and special because I had never imagined that an older boy that I had never seen in my life could do something to help me. But I felt really relieved.

Since that day, no one has bothered me again. Now, I feel safe and happy. Finally, I’ve made a friend; although we don’t talk I know that he is there for me. So, my advice is: don’t bully! Being in a situation like that is horrible for the person who suffers it, for the witnesses, and probably for the bully, too. Remember that you or a friend could be in that situation and you wouldn’t like it.