Citizenship Today | Page 4


-Art and design: Sabatino Arias, Cecilia

-Editor: Balsells, Alicia

-Assistant: Kirjner, Luciana

- BEGINNERS: Have you heard about the "3R"?

Teacher: Cabrera, Vivian

Students: Grass, Violeta; Majnemer, Dalia; Messa Ojeda, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Samper, Candela;

Sarnachiaro, Aylén

-Elementary A: You are what you eat

Teacher: Russo, Andrea

1)"A healthy lunch" by Mari, Manolo; Mazzone Marco; Mendez Tito, Nicolás

2) "A healthy lunch: Vegetables and meat" by Dame, Sofía; Gariboldi, Luján; Troncoso, Paz

3) "A healthy snack" by Echeguren, Valentín

4) "Delicious dessert" by Jabbaz, Ana; Giudici Ronco, Franco; Paletta, Agustín

5) "Sweekers" by Piciana, Jerónimo; Ruiz, Ezequiel

-ELEMENTARY B: You are what you eat

Teacher: Della Cella, Lizzie

"A healthy lifestyle"
