Citizenship Today | Page 34

 Lower Intermediate A - Citizenship Today

Changing things together

Mendez, Karina

(Thiago and Yaco start pulling Pablito`s clothes, hitting him)

Pablito: (feeling scared and angry) Stop, leave me alone!!!! Heeeelp!!!

(Nobody answers. Camila passes by, sees the situation and feels sorry for the poor boy)

Camila: What`s going on?? Leave him alone!! You have no right to do this.

(Yaco and Thiago stop and stare at Camila and Pablito)

Yaco: We're just playing!

Camila: That is not funny and he is not laughing at all!! He is really scared!! Please stop!!!

(Thiago and Yaco they take a look at the poor boy and feel sorry for him)

Thiago: Er, OK …well, sorry! We were just playing…

Yaco: Here you are (they give the book back to the little boy)

Pablito: OK ..... Thanks (He takes the book)

Thiago: Sorry, Pablito. We will not do it again