A Guide for Citizens
Robert D . Lowry , P . E . Director , Public Works & Transportation
The City of Arlington Public Works & Transportation Department has created this guide as an attempt to foster an appreciation of the environmental concerns associated with stormwater and the work done by stormwater management practitioners .
Every year , thousands of gallons of water flow into the municipal separate storm sewer system ( MS4 ). Most people don ’ t think about how this water is collected , or where it goes .
In order to achieve the goal of “ a Clean , Green Arlington ,” we must work together with our local residents , civic organizations , and homeowner associations on managing stormwater in a way that will protect our valuable water resources . We all play a part in creating water pollution and must therefore all play a part in actively converting our streams , creeks , lakes , and rivers into healthy systems that local residents , along with native fish and wildlife , can use as amenities , sanctuaries , and habitats .
As a citizen of Arlington , your part can be as simple as maintaining your car properly or picking up after your pet . This guide provides you with information , steps and actions you can take to improve stormwater management on your property and in your community . These stormwater management projects will not only help protect our invaluable water sources , but they will help green the city and improve quality of life for all residents .
Key Term : MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ( MS4 ): a system of conveyances that include curbs , gutters , ditches , man-made channels , pipes , tunnels , or storm drains that discharge into waters of the United States . An MS4 moves water away from an area to a local water body .
PUBLISHER City of Arlington , TX 101 W . Abram St . PO Box 90231 MS 01-0220 Arlington , TX 76004-3231
DIRECTOR Robert D . Lowry , P . E .
GUIDE CREATION & CHIEF EDITOR Dr . Brigette Gibson Environmental Education Specialist
COPY EDITOR Tim Yatko Commercial Sustainability Coordinator
REPRINTS AND PERMISSIONS This guide may not be reproduced in part or in full anywhere without the expressed consent of the City of Arlington Public Works & Transportation Department . Requests to reproduce the material contained herein must be made in writing and sent to the Guide Creator / Editor at the publisher ’ s address listed above .
This guide is printed on recycled paper with a minimum 10 % post-consumer content and is technically recyclable in a growing number of communities . Please contact your local recycling official to determine if this guide is recyclable in your community .
© 2010 City of Arlington , TX