Citadel Kaepernick and the Neg Marron | Page 15

Haïti attempted to establish economic ties with the United States during the Jefferson administration, but because of the violent victory of the slaves against the brutal white French slave owners in Haïti by Jean-Jacques Dessalines in 1803 (Dessalines was the leader of the revolution), the new republic was denied. Kaepernick national anthem protest during the raising of the American flag at the games is apparently considered offensive to the American flag- an anthem that was written to condone slavery and a flag considered to some blacks and some Native Americans as a symbol of oppression from years of slavery and institutionalized racism. The Black Lives Matter movement Kaepernick supports also somehow represents a “threat” to police officers who, a few corrupt ones, are contributing to the discriminatory criminal-justice system by which blacks and latinos have been either killed and/or unjustly imprisoned (interactive chart of people killed by

police in 2016 by race and ethnicity).

The claim of a racist justice system enforced by some police officers in the US has been documented and supported by an FBI investigation in 2016 that concluded many white supremacists and Ku Klux Klan members have infiltrated police departments across the country for decades. We can even point out to the recent case of a Federal Judge, Linda Reade, putting hundreds of mainly blacks and latinos immigrants in jail while her husband bought prison stocks five days prior to the country´s largest immigration raids. Or the pardoning by Donald Trump of ex-Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio after being convicted for systematically and illegally imprisoning latinos for decades in Arizona.

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The US refused to acknowledge the Haitian independence until 1862, which was at the time of the North American civil war; coincidentally the main cause for the war between the states was slavery (it would not be surprising in the aftermath of Charlottesville that Kaepernick will suddenly find a roster spot. John Mora already went on the radio after Charlottesville to say that he believes Kaepernick will be hired again this season).

The second major impact the Haitian Revolution had on the United States was that the US had conducted trade and commerce with the island under French rule. Haiti was the main producer of the United States supply of sugar and coffee, but once the Haitian slaves had broken from slavery, the US was reluctant to continue trade with them in fear that they would upset the French and the Southern slaveholders. Juxtaposingly, football is the US most profitable sport and the NFL owners´main concern with Kaepernick's protest is that it is offending the white patrons supporting the NFL and such protest will result in white fans boycotting the game and its products. In the wake of Colin Kaepernick not being able to find a job in the NFL, John Mora also said "All my years being in the league, I never received more emotional mail from (white) people than I did about that issue... ‘If any of your players ever do that (protest like Kaepernick), we are never coming to another Giants game.’ It wasn't one or two letters. It was a lot. It's an emotional, emotional issue for a lot of people, more so than any other issue I've run into."