CISO MAG - Free Issues Cloud Security Powerlist | Page 18

VIEW POINT BUZZ Vo l u m e 3 Vo l u m e 3 Issue 7 Second, cloud security is becoming switching to or starting to use the cloud, additional holes for malicious actors more complex by the day. As cloud virtual patching is convenient and easy for and other threats to slip through investment increases, stakeholders’ them to use instead of shutting down entire the cracks. Nearly 25 percent of focus on end-to-end security must projects. businesses use cloud hosts that lack improve as well. Cybercriminals the proper high-priority security But cloud is not all silver linings patches in public cloud environments. premise servers to cloud servers. One vulnerabilities and What’s presently worrying is that many companies today still don’t have environments are the insecure account a sound strategy for protecting their credentials and other insider threats. cloud environment, many of whom These allow cybercriminals to easily log in think the security responsibility lies and pilfer the data within the cloud. with the cloud service provider, which Shadow IT is particularly dangerous to the can severely impact performance, is not true. security of the cloud too. Shadow IT, also impeding legitimate user processes At the same time, emerging threats known as stealth IT or client IT, refers to and tasks in the cloud. designed to compromise the cloud systems that are installed and created security without approval from the IT department. Many enterprises are still hesitant environment standards like the EU’s General Data This leads to a situation where many Protection Regulation (GDPR) are devices and applications are shrouded making cloud security more complex in a cloak of invisibility, leaving them than unprotected by enterprise security. Today, usually flock to where the data resides, and it’s not inconceivable that their focus is shifting from on- 18 Issue 7 VIEW POINT BUZZ before, and new posing challenges issue that continues for to create enterprise cloud only 7 percent of businesses can say with Third, virtual patching is becoming a confidence that they have good visibility as cloud infrastructures – just like on-premise ones – constantly need across their cloud-based data. The vast majority of successful breaches – around 80 percent – rely on the use of privileged to be patched. With conventional account credentials. patches, operations Security and projects need to be interrupted in order to issues can another threat to cloud platforms resources. Cryptojacking happens when cybercriminals usurp precious cloud resources to mine cryptocurrency. While it may not look particularly malicious at first blush, in the long run, crytojacking everywhere. must-have cybersecurity technology Last but not least, cryptojacking is about making the leap to cloud servers, mistakenly thinking that cloud is not as secure as the physical servers. To the contrary, numerous reports and experience from more cloud-advanced countries have shown that the physical location of your data matters less than the means of access. At the end of the day, you need to apply the rigors around security, whether you’re using cloud also arise from or physical servers. inconsistent patching, which can create download or install the patch. This is inconvenient for companies that are in the middle of a very important project. Virtual patching protects the parts of the project that must remain uninterrupted so that companies can continue their work while at the same time also update their infrastructure. With more and more businesses CISO MAG | July-August 2019 The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts, opinions, and language in the article do not reflect the views of CISO MAG and CISO MAG does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. CISO MAG | July-August 2019 19