CIS170C All Assignments CIS170C All Assignments | Page 43

Step 2: Processing Logic You will create a Menu Builder class (for menu applications), a Test Menu class (for Main), and a MenuBuilder.h for a total of three files as a demonstration of understanding, creating, and using classes. Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements. Create a Test Menu class For main method and to call the Menu Driven class Create a MenuBuilder Class This will be where you create statements for the following: 1. Check balance 2. Make withdrawal 3. Make deposit 4. View account information 5. View statement 6. View bank information 7. Exit Create a MenuBuilder.h Include a header file in your program. 2. This will be where you utilize standardized Identifiers, preprocessor directives, classes, namespaces, and so forth. Step 3: Create a New Project Create a new project and name it LAB6. Write your code using the Processing Logic in Step 2. Make sure you save your program. Step 4: Compile and Execute a) Compile your program and eliminate all syntax errors. b) Build your program and verify the results of the program. Make corrections to the program logic if necessary until the results of the program execution are what you expect.